Dear Nagini

10 12 2007

Dear Nagini – Lord Voldemort

Guess I haven’t updated my blog since a long time already. Many things happened. I finished Harry Potter 6 and 7 and I’m again flashed by the series.
My newest one is a Voldemort sketch. It means very much to me, because it’s the second picture I drew right after having finished the last book, to calm myself after so much excitement and sadness (the first one might be revealed soon).
If someone knows my Impossibility picture with Riddle and Bellatrix: this one is a reference and at the same time it’s the opposite. It shows the greatest affection Voldemort can feel towards something. You know what I mean when you have seen the other picture too. :)



4 responses

10 12 2007

Man sieht leider das Bild nicht … °^°

10 12 2007

… aaaand i read vol. 7 (English) again some weeks ago and now started with vol. 1 again (in English), too – it’s sooo~ love! *-*

And sorry for spamming. ^^‘

11 12 2007

no problem. you are not at wordpress anymore, are you?
yeah i know wordpress has some sort of problem with displaying pictures… x_x

yaaah harry potter!!! yeah i want to reread the 6th one in english again. aw reading about tom would be so nice! xDD

14 12 2007

Well … I am, more or less. Didn’t use it for some time, but I was thinking about re-openinig it as a sketchblog, because I think it’s better for that kind of stuff than LJ … Haven’t got much to show at the moment, though, because I started studying this autumn and haven’t got much time now, and the stuff I scribble is mainly on paper, but my scanner refuses to work …

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