Grindelwald again

31 10 2008

During the long time of my increativity I developed a new worldview.
And with it comes a new drawing style. I believe many people who have known my old pictures won’t like my new style.
But I can’t help myself, everything changed and there is no turn back.

Now here is a quick drawing of Grindelwald. About his appearance I already wrote in the last entry.
He is still very beautiful although it was not intended, but okay, let him be.

(-> click onto picture to fullview)

Dumbledore + Grindelwald

13 10 2008

Old sketch of young Dumbledore and Grindelwald (Harry Potter 7)

When I first read about Grindelwald in book 7 (guy in black with grinning face), I immediatly had this face in my mind. (to the right)

Unlike Grindelwald I had to think a lot on Dumbledore’s appearance, I just couldn’t imagine a young Dumbledore without a beard. 8D
So I just imagined how I would draw his brother, and then gave him short hair. Oh and he has round glasses. Like Harry Potter’s. That looks more old fashioned and makes him look less senile.
(-> click onto picture to fullview)

HP The Sea

11 06 2008

Title: The Sea
Harry Potter copyright fanart

This one is a very old picture I did. But I put it on this site to keep it updated.
Inspired mostly by the final french book cover by Jean-Claude Götting and the swedish final cover illustrated by Bergting and Tapia.

The way I imagined Harry and his Hogwarts cloak was influenced by the German illustrator Sabine Wilharm and it looks like some monks or ‚real wizard‘ clothes (like Gandalf’s XD).
She is one of my most adored artists. 

(-> click onto picture to fullview)

Harry Potter 2 – The Heir of Slytherin

18 04 2008

Title: The Heir of Slytherin
Harry Potter copyright art.
Tom Marvolo Riddle and the Basilisk (my interpretation) in the Chamber of Secrets, from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

(->click onto picture to fullview)

Harry Potter 6 – Love Potion

18 04 2008

Title: Love Potion
Harry Potter digital painting (copyright art).
Tom Riddle senior and Merope Gaunt from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

(->click on picture to fullview)